2024-02-25 13:47:19 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-18 21:56:50 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-23 20:22:34 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-19 09:07:30 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-24 02:35:46 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-23 23:10:41 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-24 00:43:12 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-18 22:41:41 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-19 12:05:12 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey
2024-02-19 12:19:15 -

Iowa Hawkeyes Caitlin Clark Black Replica Jersey




第一次是2004年初,我们花了60多万买了一个三单位的商业楼,其中一个单位租给了一个报税的事务所,这一家事务所搬进来后,大门深锁,从未开业,不见女老板人影,打电话无人接。过了两个月我只好找律师开始赶房客。律师张贴三天的告示(3  day notice to pay or quit), 没有动静, 五天后又贴了一个自动放弃通知,等到15天,律师要我找个锁匠把门打开,清点一下里面的物品,将这些东西保存15天,如果房客没有来要, 就自行处理。这个案例很简单,律师写了俩张通告,就入囊800美金。半年后这家事务所的女老板又找我想要回她的电脑及其他用品,律师告诉她要付12000美金(房租,律师费和储存费等),后来也就没有下文了。

金融风暴后,我们在南加州靠沙漠的城市,买了一些白菜价房屋,很快就全租出去了。其中一个破产屋出租给了一个白人家庭,前面一年半相安无事,然后他们就突然不交房租了,告诉原因是,现在房子太小要搬走,搬走之前不想再交房租了,没有办法只好驱逐房客。我自己贴了一个三天告示,因为地方太远,去当地法庭太浪费时间和精力,只好通过网上在当地找了一个专门做驱逐房客"专家",叫史密斯先生。史先生一口保证三个星期就能帮我搞定,看他给的案例在法庭都能查到,因此就放心一次交齐他550块现金,立即在法庭办理了unlawful detainer 文件,真的不到三个星期,他就去法庭要求了default judgement, 拿到了writ of possession. 这时房客给我们打电话,说不想搬啦,要继续住下去,考虑到这家人将这个破产房屋修饰的很好,以前交房租还算可以,在他们交齐所有房租后,就让他们继续住下去了,而且还给他们减掉了一点房租。这一家现在还住在这个房子里,只可惜那时大家白折腾了一番。



第三次驱逐房客发生在我们买的三单位公寓其中一位房客。买后不久这位苏(sue)女士就不再交房租了. 由于这地点离前面驱逐房客 "专家"史先生不远,我们就又请他来赶房客。先交他$390定金, 余款等拿到Writ of possission再交。这先生收到定金以后,给他打电话,一会儿说在医院,一会说家里有急事,要不就是管文件的小姐没上班,再后来就没人接电话,一个半月过去了,他没有任何行动,看来这定金打水漂了。这史先生网站介绍他是非常有爱心的牧师,收养有好几个不同肤色的小孩。我去法庭查了一下他的记录,有五次作为房客被赶的记录,看来久病成良医,被赶的次数多了,也就成为赶别的房客"专家"了。无奈被骗了,但这房客还得赶走,这次找了一个真正的专家,专做驱逐房客的律师,叫迈克。其实这家正规律师收费不很贵$740美金,出庭另加$275。在律师进行有关法律程序时,房客苏女士已经在搬家了,她告诉我,她房子里还有很多古董,如果我们给她一点搬家费,她会立即搬空。因为已经交了律师费,也就懒得理她了。只是律师事务所比较忙,每一步都是一板一眼的,走完程序用了一个半月。这时候,苏女士的邻居女儿想租她的房子,也跟我们谈好了价格。苏女士觉得再待下去也没什么油水,就把钥匙交给了邻居女儿,好在房子没怎么被破坏,装修了一下,邻居女儿就搬进去了。

最后一起驱逐房客发生在俩单位住房的一家房客,叫威廉斯。这个威先生也是我们买过来以后就没有交房租,无奈之下只好去找前面那个迈克律师,迈克立刻发了三天通知,随后威先生将$300房租存到我们账号,我们将这$300用现金支票给他退了回去, 告诉他要么付全款,要么立即搬走。在我们送交法庭unlawful detainer文件给房客五天之内,威先生给了正式答复,中心意思还是想住下去,没交房租是因为房子没有维修好,他自己花钱$550做了维修,   另外跟我们沟通有问题。律师知道他在耍无赖,知道我们不愿意再租给他后,去法庭要求了开庭日期。三个星期以后我们一早就来到了法庭,那天上午一共有八个赶房客的案件,法官先要当事人双方在庭外进行协商,很快有六位当事人律师报告说达成了协议,只有两位需要开庭,八个案件不到两小时就结束了,第一次见识到法庭有这么高的效率!我们跟威廉斯先生达成的协议(stipulation of judgement)主要有两点,房客两个星期内搬出, 以及赔偿房租和律师费. 作为交换,我们撤销他的eviction法庭记录. 两个星期后,威廉斯先生自己搬走了,他的室友不愿意搬。律师只好安排警察来赶房客,由于法庭签错了文件及赶上圣诞节,又耽误了快两个月,警察才来lock out, 房子总算回到了我们手中。











I really like the Nike Air Monarch ... fit and feel is great.
- Switzerland

I have the shoes for a long time now and they are still holding up good
- Singapore

Purchased them as a gift. They fit very comfortable and he's very happy with them.
- Liberia

Finally able to order my correct size without getting a size bigger to get the width I need.
- Singapore

Comfortable, good sole and inner sole. Have worn this make for several years -- hope they keep making them.
- Singapore

i've worn this model and brand for years. Always high quality and perfect fit every time including this time. Perfect!
- Singapore

Sneakers fit as advertised; it was in excellent condition; fit was comfortable, sturdy, and it works for casual use which is what I wanted.
- Switzerland

Tired of going to the store to NOT find the correct size of shoe in the type I wanted. This shoe was exactly what I was looking for - and I got it in 2 days!!
- Singapore

Been wearing for 3 weeks and I am very happy with them.Have been wearing $130 shoes up to this to get good Arch support but these give almost as good at less than half the price, would buy again.
- Liberia

I've seen a lot of reviews on these shoes, and a lot of complaints about the squeakiness of them, but they have yet to start squeaking on me after a week or so of wearing them. They fit, feel and look great, I would buy them again.
- Guam

2024-01-12 08:57:55--
I am very impressed with this product. It looks and operates just like the OEM Air Pods. This is my second purchase and I plan to purchase more very soon.

2024-01-12 08:56:00--
It's very reassuring to use. The quality is very good. It's very cost-effective to catch up with the event. I think the workmanship and endurance are very good. I think it's OK all day long.

2024-01-12 08:55:22--
amp;quot;Came in a week and I received gen 3 **. Came in actual box with charger also. Seller very nice and responds back fast! I already used them and theyamp;apos;re great! Nothing wrong with them.amp;quot;

2024-01-12 08:54:27--
The wireless Bluetooth headset is very good. It has low latency, improves the sound quality, and the workmanship is also good. It is very exquisite. The semi in ear headset will not be uncomfortable after a long time of wearing. It is cost-effective. It is a very suitable Bluetooth headset,

2024-01-12 08:52:49--
Some finish are not good

2024-01-12 08:51:36--
Great product! Listening seller, I recommend!

2024-01-12 08:51:35--
Very pretty. No complaints. Identical in all respects

2024-01-12 08:51:21--
Very very good

2024-01-12 08:49:23--
Good shoe, but they feel like a size 12 with a 13 stamped on it

2024-01-12 08:48:25--
very pleased

2024-01-12 08:48:05--
Love this product

2024-01-12 08:47:33--
Arrived quickly! Thank you !!

2024-01-12 08:46:15--
Amazing quality thank you very recommended seller

2024-01-04 19:04:02--
The shoes are my favorite style and color. They are comfortable to wear and good-looking. They are my favorite shoes I have ever bought

2024-01-04 19:00:18--
Incredible quality

2024-01-04 18:56:46--
They are extremely uncomfortable, to hard material, couple spikes broke the first day of wearing them

2024-01-04 18:56:05--

2024-01-04 18:53:34--
These came pretty fast don’t have a weird smell or anything. No box. Love the color decent quality

2024-01-04 18:52:20--
great fit and look. came with a wrist band and socks in a bubble wrapped box. I love them and will be ordering again soon.

2024-01-04 18:52:11--
I have wider feet than normal, so I was scared to buy the normal fit. They were out of the wides in my size. Bought them anyway and they fit amazingly. Love them.

2024-01-04 18:49:36--
Very nice and authentic looking!!

2024-01-04 18:47:58--
I received the parcel on a pleasant weekend, good mood.

2024-01-04 18:47:15--
Excellent Qualiteacute; And the finishes are perfect.

2024-01-04 18:44:21--
The shoes are of good quality and exquisite workmanship. They are comfortable and fit your feet. You donamp;apos;t feel tired when you run. Excellent quality and reasonable price, weamp;apos;ll buy it back next time.

2024-01-04 18:44:13--
Absolutely amazing! True to size and perfect in every way. Received an extra pair of laces, socks and a StockX certificate and information. Only took less than 10 days to arrive and packed securely. Will absolutely be ordering more pairs with this company very soon!! Don’t wait - just go ahead and order. You’ll be very happy!

2024-01-04 18:43:47--
just as pictured, the girl loves them. good seller!

2024-01-04 18:43:06--
Good! Dude is fast with the shipping not more than 2weeks. Only difference I can tell is the cloud on the back doesn’t have the stitching on it.

2024-01-04 18:41:39--
Product is nice. Shipping took 19 days. Seller does communicate

2024-01-04 18:36:47--
Excellent product and very fast delivery

2024-01-04 18:36:15--
Great product. Fast shipping. Recommend !!

2024-01-04 18:35:49--
Very good quality. Item exactly as described

2024-01-04 09:23:23--
Good quality, I like it

2024-01-04 09:22:39--
The product is perfect, I will buy it again!

2024-01-04 09:20:55--
Comfortable fabric, good shape, very versatile, great upper body effect, very fashionable. It's very versatile. It's what I want. I really like it. It's worth it.

2024-01-04 09:19:39--
Satisfied with my order

2024-01-04 09:17:50--
Very comfortable. Nice quality for the price I paid.

2024-01-04 09:17:36--
A quality product exactly as described. Very happy at the price

2024-01-04 09:15:18--
Very good product, recommended, super fast !!!! thanks ...

2024-01-04 09:12:17--
nice! wish it came with box 🥴

2024-01-04 09:10:59--
shoes are great they came on time they was packed very well and loved the socks that come along with them I would definitely order more

2024-01-04 09:09:48--
the shoes are fire!!😍 These are called invincible new balance which I thought was grey in the picture but is actually a sage green. These shoes are very nice for a gift and I have gotten a lot of compliments from them! The quality is great! Stitching is also very good.

2024-01-04 09:07:21--
This bag is an exact replica!! I am too obsessed with this bag, it is the best I have! I strongly recommend buying this instead of the real one, because it is exactly the same as the real one. The quality of all the components is amazing and looks very realistic, exactly the same as a real bag. The stitching is perfect, everything is neat. It took three weeks to arrive. The seller packaged the goods well to protect them from damage

2024-01-04 09:06:50--
Loved the bracelet but it ended up tarnishing and also had a broken clasp!

2024-01-04 09:05:14--
I love this product it has some weight to it and the seller was kind enough to send me photos of everything

2024-01-04 09:04:02--
Very comfortable shoes, light, very comfortable .

2024-01-04 09:03:07--
Great quality of product and extremely fast delivery service. Very happy and will be ordering from this seller in the future.

2024-01-04 09:02:38--
The shoes is shipped very fast and the logistics is very timely. The businessmen answered this question enthusiastically and liked it very much.

2024-01-04 09:01:11--
Easy connection, good texture and sound quality.

2024-01-04 08:58:08--
The headphones are very good, the sound quality is very good, and they are very comfortable to wear.

2024-01-04 08:57:02--
The earphones are very good, the connection speed is very fast, the sound quality is also good, the price is cheap, the charger is equipped, the workmanship is also very good

2024-01-04 08:56:55--
As a Bluetooth headset, it is very convenient and compact, and the applicability of the mobile phone is very comfortable, very satisfactory. Very comfortable. In short, it is very practical.

2024-01-04 00:06:19--
Shipping I arrive in two weeks !! Recommended !!

2024-01-04 00:05:43--
Not happy at all, quality was absolutely terrible

2024-01-04 00:05:35--
DO NOT BUY FROM THIS SELLER! My bag was marked as delivered but it never showed up! Seller was of no help of course.

2024-01-04 00:00:13--
Great item

2024-01-03 23:54:41--
Goood quality, very fast shipping. Only 5 days to the Neterlands.

2024-01-03 23:54:08--
Ordered for Christmas gifts! Everyone LOVED THEM!!!!!! so happy with this product

2024-01-03 23:53:55--
Stunning bag.... will be ordering again. Canvas is aligned, really pleased with this.

2024-01-03 23:52:06--
Bags are great quality. I ordered two and only received one. I reached out to the seller and they did send the other bag but was received a month later.

2024-01-03 23:48:49--
BUY USING THIS STORE! It took less than 2 weeks to get here and it looks so close to the original

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 790 reviews)

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